Selected Topics in English

Stiftung Datenschutz acts as an independent information and discussion platform. Its aim is to develop proposals for improving data privacy, to work on them in projects with experts from the relevant circles, and to discuss them publicly. The foundation does not act as a research institution, but as an interface between science, business, society and politics. This structure and focus is also the foundation's unique selling point: Neither data protection supervisory authorities nor trade associations or other organizations offer a neutral discussion platform that deals exclusively with data protection.

Stiftung Datenschutz aims to promote solutions that combine effective protection of fundamental rights with sufficient scope for technological progress and new business models. In our view, it should not be "innovation or data protection" but "innovation and data protection". We aim to provide a lobby for data privacy. We use information measures to counter GDPR myths and want to clarify what data protection law - when interpreted and applied pragmatically – can enable and does not inhibit.

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